Business Analysis / Business Architecture

Business Analysis is the practice of enabling change in organizations by examining current and future states, identifying opportunities, conducting feasibility and cost/benefit analysis, defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders.

Business Architecture focuses on capturing the essence of business including strategy, processes, systems, capabilities, value streams, and the alignment of business with IT architecture.

These disciplines encompass the following areas:

  • Enterprise Level: Strategic planning, change management, and alignment of IT/Business
  • Business Unit Level: Process improvement, program management, performance measurement, and data quality
  • IT Project Level: Requirements elicitation, developing of business rules and test planning, change management, training, and test execution

It is the mission of the Business Analysis / Business Architecture Workgroup to align NYS Government business and IT operations by bringing together agencies within NYS Government to share processes, methods, and policies that lead to best practices. This includes collaboration and sharing of information amongst Government entities and corporate partners, facilitating training opportunities, determining consistent approaches where appropriate and forming Communities of Practice around technical areas of expertise to encourage development and maturity of Business Analysis practices within all NYS agencies.


  • Anne Bailey (NYS Office of the State Comptroller)
  • Paul Franz (NYSTEC)
  • Benjamin Furtaw (NYSTEC)
  • Amy Gallup (NYS Information Technology Services)
  • Suzanne Lazar (NYS Information Technology Services)
  • Dave Nagy (Consultant)
  • Nate Stengrevics (NYSTEC) 

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