IT Corporate Roundtable

All Forum corporate members are members of the IT Corporate Roundtable (ITCR). The ITCR was created in October 2001 to provide a productive context for IT corporations and Forum membership to pursue proactive communications and initiatives targeted on improved mutual understandings and communications and, ultimately, more efficient state procedures, products and services better aligned with New York State needs. ITCR members work in close collaboration with key NY state and local IT leadership and serve as Co-Chairs for all NYS Forum Committees. ITCR members have been instrumental in addressing a number state priorities. For example:
- Developed, in conjunction with the NYS CIO Council Leadership Committee, a peer review process to be used for all NYS IT projects in excess of $250,000;
- Developed and offered cyber security education programs including a national webcast series
in conjunction with the NYS Office of Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure , which is now being continued by the NYS Forum's Security Committee.
- Developed business continuity education programs including the development of an automated Business Continuity Health Check and planning for a possible "NYS Business Continuity Day".
- Development of a NYS Project Development Resource Matrix to identify subject matter experts in a wide range of topics related to project management.
- Development of programs and materials to enhance the policy and legislative understanding of the centrality of IT operations to government's core business;
- Participation on the NYS Procurement Councils' IT Work Group which has developed several strategies and recommendations for streamlining IT procurement; and
- Programs to assist state and local government organizations successfully navigate the sourcing life cycle;
The ITCR meets monthly and is open to any corporation that offers IT products or services in New York State.
Albany Chair |
Albany Vice Chair |
NYC Chair |
NYC Vice Chair |
Arielle Bernstein |
Melissa D’Andrea |
Carolaine Pino
Ross Maughan |
Salesforce |
518-530-9136 |
518-487-1193 |
Corporations interested in becoming members of the Forum and it's ITCR or desiring additional information, Click Here for more information.
Feel free to contact the Forum at:
- NYS Forum
- 24 Aviation Road
- Suite 206
- Albany, New York 12205
- 518.438.7414
- Email at: [email protected]