OGS Announces 24 month Extension of Umbrella Contract

NYS Office of General Services (OGS) recently announced that due to the unprecedented demands on procurement staff related to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, the timeline for release of the new Periodic Recruitment #2 (PR#2) for the Information Technology Umbrella Contract – Manufacturer Based (Statewide) award has been adjusted.  As a result, OGS will be extending the contract with current terms and conditions for a maximum of 24 months.  While they intend to release PR#2 in early 2021, they are taking the prudent course of a longer extension to account for the possibility of a resurgence of Covid-19 that would result in another redirection of critical staff resources.  Below is the letter that was sent by Sean Carroll, Chief Procurement Officer.  The Forum will continue to work with our partners at the Business Council of NYS and our colleagues at OGS to ensure the timely release of information throughout the process.


Subject: Manufacturer’s Umbrella Periodic Recruitment Update

I would like to personally thank you for your continued support and patience during this turbulent time.  As you have heard from Governor Cuomo, New York has been and continues to hold strong against COVID19.  In the past few months, Procurement Services’ resources have been allocated to support the State’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While we are resuming our focus on the IT contract suite, we are always cognizant of the potential for reoccurrence especially as we enter the Fall and Winter months.   

Thank you for the feedback we received as a result of the vendor roundtables and surveys sent out earlier this year with respect Periodic Recruitment #2 (PR#2) for the Information Technology Umbrella Contract – Manufacturer Based (Statewide) award.  This information is so important to us for review and potential incorporation into PR#2.  We intend to release PR#2 in early 2021.  In order to receive all notices for PR#2 please ensure you are registered on the Contract Reporter at https://www.nyscr.ny.gov/

Given the uncertainties surrounding the ongoing pandemic, we will be extending the contract with current terms and conditions for a maximum of 24 months to ensure there are no gaps in service or support to our Authorized Users.  While we fully intend to move forward to award PR#2 as soon as practicable, the duration of the extension allows for the continuity of the contract in the event of a resurgence of COVID19 during the winter months requiring Procurement Services’ resources to be reallocated to support the State’s response.   

Thank you for your continued support.  Any questions can be sent to [email protected]


Sean Carroll 

Sean Carroll

Chief Procurement Officer

Office of General Services │Procurement Services

38th Floor - Corning Tower – Empire State Plaza – Albany NY 12242

(518) 473-5294  [email protected]

www.ogs.ny.gov | nyspro.ogs.ny.gov